
Halo Infinite ending explained — what just happened?

Halo Infinite ending explained — what only happened?

halo infinite cover art with master chief on zeta halo
(Paradigm credit: Microsoft/343)

Halo Space is a Halo game unlike any other, but it still offers a archetype Halo campaign, in a style that fans know and beloved. No matter how long information technology takes you to go there, that entrada will come to an end. Unfortunately, the ending to one of the best Xbox Serial 10 games raises more than questions than it manages to answer.

That might be a little confusing for some people, specially those of you who aren't familiar with Halo's expanded universe of books and comics. So nosotros're going to step in and explain both what happened in Halo Infinite's ending, and what that will likely mean going forward.

What happened at the end of Halo Infinite?

halo infinite screenshot with master chief and brohammer

(Epitome credit: Microsoft/343)

Halo Space's main quest ends with Master Master storming the Silent Auditorium, learning Cortana's final fate and killing The Harbinger. Yet, before the Straw goes down, she locates and begins freeing a mysterious grouping known as "The Countless."

Chief and The Weapon and so observe themselves transported to the other side of the ring, and apparently, three days into the future. Echo 219, whose real proper noun is Fernando, retrieves the duo, and the group gets to work on taking control of Zeta Halo away from the rest of The Banished forces. Ringlet credits.

But expect, there's more:

Halo Infinite has a post-credits scene

Halo infinite war chief escherum

(Prototype credit: Microsoft/343)

The credits aren't the end of Halo Space's story. Afterward they finish rolling, players come across a brand-new cutscene. This scene portrays a mysterious figure, later revealed to be Banished leader Atriox, activating a podium tied to a number of Forerunner Cylixes.

What is a Cylix? Nosotros see them throughout the game, and they appear to be a way of containing life. This might be a way to preserve genetic information, which is the Halo Rings' secondary purpose. Still, it could also be a method of imprisonment, as suggested by the open Cylix featuring The Harbinger'southward silhouettes within Campsite Tremonius.

So Atriox — who is not every bit dead as The Banished believed — appears to be freeing these life forms. Unfortunately, we don't know why he would do this, or why he let the Banished believe he was expressionless for half dozen months.

The fate of Cortana

Cortana in halo 5 guardians cutscene

(Image credit: Microsoft/343)

Halo Infinite left Cortana's fate almost a consummate mystery throughout the entire campaign. We knew that she'd been isolated and deleted past The Weapon, but information technology wasn't clear how that happened. This is especially truthful, since Atriox had tossed Main Chief out into space before players ever reached Zeta Halo'southward surface.

As it turns out, Atriox was the ane who deployed the weapon, in retaliation for Cortana destroying the Brute homeworld of Dosaic. Cortana'due south goal was to force Atriox into submission, just her programme backfired spectacularly.

The fate of The Created, Cortana'south coalition of rogue AIs that took over the galaxy at the end of Halo five, is notwithstanding a complete mystery. However, it's clear that Cortana was the being with actual control over the Forerunner weaponry that kept the galaxy in submission. In fact, you lot can fifty-fifty encounter a crashed Guardian on the surface of Zeta Halo, suggesting that they all deactivated after Cortana's death.

Cortana did eventually repent at the cease of her life, using her final few milliseconds to harm Zeta Halo and foreclose The Weapon from existence deleted.

Cortana'southward deportment prevented the Banished from firing Zeta Halo, and delayed The Straw in her attempts to locate and free The Countless. Thanks to Cortana's sacrifice, The Weapon is able to have her identify equally the "new Cortana." Halo Space even implies that The Weapon adopted her predecessor's name.

Who are The Endless?

Halo Infinite screenshot

(Epitome credit: Xbox Game Studios)

The Endless are Halo Infinite'due south large, unanswered question. Halo Infinite references The Endless endless times throughout its primary quest, just they never appear. Even the final cutscene only alludes to them, with Atriox seemingly freeing The Endless from imprisonment in Forerunner Cylixes.

Information technology'southward piece of cake to presume that The Harbinger is one of the Endless, since she belongs to a species we've never seen before. Still, the silhouette on each Endless Cylix is noticeably different, and unlike whatever known alien race from the Halo franchise.

Our biggest clues about The Endless come up afterwards beating the game on Legendary difficulty. The cutscene is the same.  Nonetheless, it features a voiceover from Zeta Halo'due south monitor Despondent Pyre, and a character called The Grand Edict.

This voiceover dates from 97,368 BCE. That's afterward the firing of the Halo Array at the finish of the Human/Precursor state of war, which supposedly happened around 97,455 BCE. The Grand Edict likewise confirms that The Endless weren't destroyed when the Halos fired, and those weapons are able to target and destroy the nervous systems of all living things.

So what the heck are The Endless, if they tin survive galaxy-broad devastation? My guess is that they are some course of AI or motorcar race. Non but would a race of AIs be immune to Halo's blast; it would explain the bizarre silhouettes on the Endless Cylixes.

To add further credence to this idea, the Chiliad Edict mentions that the Forerunners had deployed Offensive Bias confronting The Endless. Offensive Bias is a Forerunner AI that exists to combat Mendicant Bias, the powerful AI that turned on the Forerunners after the Flood corrupted it. Who better to fight a race of machines than an AI specifically built for that purpose?

Hopefully, nosotros don't take to wait long to find out. We already know that there'due south a multi-twelvemonth plan for Halo Infinite, which is likely to include DLC. Microsoft also trademarked "Halo: The Endless" inside the past few days, farther suggesting we won't be waiting until Halo 7 rolls around to become some resolution to this story.

Tom is the Tom's Guide'due south Automotive Editor, which means he can ordinarily be plant knee deep in stats the latest and best electrical cars, or checking out some sort of driving gadget. It'south long style from his days equally editor of Gizmodo United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, when pretty much everything was on the table. He's commonly institute trying to squeeze another giant Lego set onto the shelf, draining very large cups of coffee, or complaining that Ikea won't let him buy the stuff he really needs online.


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